Wikitext code

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wikitext code

\\ \\ Wikispaces supports color-highlighted source code blocks using <syntaxhighlight> tags. This is part of wikitext. For example:\\ \\ "<syntaxhighlight lang=php>"\\ "<?php"\\ " hello world"\\ ""\\ "echo "hello world";"\\ "exit();"\\ "?>"\\ "</syntaxhighlight>"\\ \\ will render as:\\ \\

    // hello world
    echo "hello world";
    • Note** that both </syntaxhighlight> tags must be on a line by themselves without leading spaces.\\ \\ The following languages are supported:\\ \\
 * actionscript
 * ada
 * apache (Apache configuration files)
 * applescript
 * asm (x86 Assembler)
 * asp (Active Server Pages)
 * autoit (AutoIt Window automation script)
 * bash (Bourne Again Shell)
 * blitzbasic
 * bnf (BNF: Backus-Naur form)
 * c
 * cfdg (Context-Free Design Grammar)
 * cfm (Coldfusion)
 * cpp (C++)
 * csharp (C#)
 * css (Cascading Style Sheets)
 * delphi (Delphi Object Pascal)
 * diff
 * div
 * dos
 * d (D programming language)
 * eiffel
 * freebasic
 * fortran
 * gml (Game Maker Language)
 * groovy
 * html4strict
 * idl (Uno IDL)
 * ini
 * inno (Inno Script Object Pascal)
 * io
 * java
 * java5 (Java programming language, version 5 syntax)
 * javascript
 * latex
 * lisp
 * matlab
 * mirc
 * mysql (MySQL-specific SQL)
 * oracle8 (Oracle-specific SQL)
 * ocaml (Objective Caml)
 * pascal
 * perl
 * php
 * python
 * qbasic
 * reg (Microsoft Registry)
 * robots (Robots.txt)
 * ruby
 * sas
 * scheme
 * sdlbasic
 * smalltalk
 * smarty (Smarty PHP template language)
 * sql
 * tcl
 * text (No highlighting)
 * thinbasic
 * tsql (Transact-SQL)
 * vb (Visual Basic)
 * vbnet (Visual Basic .NET)
 * vhdl (VHSICADL, very high speed integrated circuit HDL)
 * visualfoxpro
 * winbatch (Windows Batch Scripting)
 * xml